
Maybe the object of her unrequited love is English and she broke down just hearing Crane's voice. ;-)

Please let that be a spinoff web series!

Yes, the impression I got from that backstory he told to Irving was that he came already enlisted in the British Army then switched sides after at least a few battles. But maybe that was a convenient and believable story he concocted in case he was captured. At that point he wasn't trusting anyone in 2013 so he could

I know that there were some skirmishes between the British Army/Loyalist militia and guys who called themselves the Regulators in the Carolinas, but I think that was around the time of the Boston Massacre (1770) or right after.

A-freakin-men to THAT!

Yes! We have this cheesy "Delilah After Dark" call-in radio show in Philly and I thought it was going to be one of those, and then he would ask for some really outdated song request, like "Take, Oh Take Those Lips Away." ;-)

Many of us are not accustomed to true gentlemanly manners in this day and age; therefore, we are helpless in the face of it. ;-)

Ooo, I can think of a bajillionty reasons why an African-American woman would NOT be on board with time travel to anywhere pre-1960s, especially pre-19th century America.

Yes, if this is an alternate history/parallel universe premise then all bets are off.

Unless it's a financial issue (because one assumes he is being bankrolled by Abby/her department), he could certainly put together something resembling his usual outfit. Some college kid in the costume design department of a local college (or even in NYC, not far away) could rig up something if Abby was willing and

Yes. I'd call it more of an affectionate teasing at this point. And I really hope they don't 'ship those two.

Tonight I figured out what it is to me. Sleepy Hollow is to the Revolutionary War what The Mummy is to ancient Egypt and Grimm is to world folklore. They are playing it straight but not taking themselves (or historical accuracy, or even sometimes plausibility) too seriously. I just have to ignore the silliness and go

Also a Hulu watcher, also unable to keep up with all of the comments. :-)

"followed by a not bad joke about NorthStar online operators" "That joke about Ichabod telling his life story to a NorthStar operator was both awkward and funny."

Word. It's a fantastic book.

I lived in a co-ed dorm in PA from 1982-1984 (every other room was guys), and sometimes the guys on our end of the floor wouldn't feel like walking all the way to the other end to their bathroom, so we'd let them do basic stuff like tooth brushing or a quick pee (we had only stalls, no urinals). No showers, though. We

Was she Victor's teacher?

Good point! Looks like the stick I used in 1977, no lie.

I thought that her points about The Luncheonette were good, absolutely valid, but I was still on Adam's side. I don't think he was being the least bit unreasonable.

"Also, if you’ve listened to my Parenthood podcast"