
"The jokes aren’t offensive, yet they are still jokes about a dead guy, no matter how fictional."

Human dental dam!

She was also Max's ex-girlfriend on an episode of Happy Endings. Which continues an insane amount of New Girl/Happy Endings crossover casting. Do they use the same casting director?

Once again, Winston + Furguson wins the episode for me. From "It's happening" through "How often do your groom your cat?" to "cat brothel in my room," every single line reading and facial expression had me laughing.

"To be fair I can see how wearing a kilt could make you nervous about having snakes on the loose."

I wondered that, too. I thought that Wilson was adorable but the pilot overall was meh.

That was my laugh of the night. It's a good joke.

The bagpipe guy (Angus?) saying, "I canna be in a house with snakes" got a laugh out of me. Because kilts. And that was about it.

The whole conversation cracked me up.

I cannot recall any work of either fiction or nonfiction in which the Colonists called the Native Americans simply "Americans." They were referred to as "natives," "Indians," and sometimes (unfortunately) "savages."

Well, yeah, I suspect there will be a lot of things that happen "for no reason at all" on this show. ;-)

"the good ship Ichabod/Abby (gonna need a name for that one…)"

He's not "buff" or "six-packy" in a modern sense, though. He's just fit and lanky and rangy, which is much more appropriate.

Yes, I would like someone with a bit more….gravitas, maybe? Or someone who seems like he could possibly be sinister but you're not sure? But it's only episode 3. I'm still giving him a chance.

That bugged me, too. "Mohawks" worked, but they could have had him say "Indians" or even "natives" and then have had Abby correct him.

Yes, I think he's picking up some things through context and/or inference (like the word "weird," which was around back then but not used as frequently nor as a direct synonym for "strange" or "bizarre" like it is now), and being a scholar of Latin and Greek means he can figure out certain unfamiliar words if they

Before he pulled out the scorpions I thought he was going to use a rattlesnake. Makes more sense geographically. But, then again, this show isn't about making sense.

Agreed. Him saying "leftenant" makes me happy in my swimsuit area.

Is it a Charles deLint book?

Yes, we know, WE KNOW. Doesn't mean we can't still prefer Schmidt/Elizabeth to Schmidt/CeCe in our dreams.