
Steven Effing Pasquale!!! My favorite part of Rescue Me. The very thought of him accidentally using self-tanner to pleasure himself still makes me giggle like a little girl.  Classic. And further cementing my title as Queen of the Nerds, I recognized the actress playing Yvonne as…..Dolley Madison from The American


Speaking of nerdishness, the correct phrase is "I COULDN'T care less." Thank you. :-)

Oh, Hattie. The Evil Bangs are back. What was with the Peggy Sue Got Married costuming and hair style on that girl? That alone moves this down to a B. Otherwise, an A for me. Looking forward to next season….

Mad props to you for a Coupling reference.

I thought it was Amy Sedaris, but it could have been Fey.

Glad I wasn't the only one who was excited to see Broadway legend John Cullum. JOHN CULLUM!!!

Short, organized, easy, happy labors are not dramatic, and this is a television drama. And I think it was established that, even though Zoe is an intelligent girl, she's immature and was totally unprepared for EVERY stage of her pregnancy.

Julia was my Braverman of the Week as well. Hot damn, that was the best, most realistic trying-not-to-cry-but-totally-breaking-down-anyway scene I think I have ever seen. Bravo, Erika Christensen! And when Zoe said, "I love you," I was a mess. This season has so obviously been much more about how Julia and, to a

On the whole Kristina/Amber thing, I'm torn. On the one hand, Amber could be doing a really stupid thing and I understand Kristina wanting to help her avoid that. On the other hand, at 19 Amber is an adult and should be free to make her own decisions (and mistakes). I guess the only caveat is that it's a potential

Didn't know about this option, so thanks. And congrats on your Hallmark "action," but I think I'll pass on the pics. ;-) Husband and I celebrated last weekend as he is out-of-town this week. Was kind of nice not to be fighting the VD crowds. No pics, though; I think we're both beyond inflicting that on ourselves or

Can't reply below, but will do so here. My husband (who also did/does not want children) and I, and our dog and (yes) two cats thank you for your concern. You're obviously a caring individual yourself who won't be alone for long.

Agreed. I think it's more the writers' fault for not making him an *interesting* character who fit into the HIMYM world.

And, uh, NewlyRegisteredRandom, based upon your continued ignorance throughout the discussion, I'm now kind of wishing *your parents* hadn't wanted kids….

"I never believe Robyn, or any woman, who says she doesn't want kids.  Not that women should be baby machines, but come on, what kind of damaged person who is sane and has disposable income doesn't want kids?" Wow, really?!? What century are you living in? Someone who doesn't want kids is "damaged?" I am almost 48,

I don't think she was necessarily bad at her job across the board in season one, I just think she let things distract her (like Mark) and she got way too OCD in general. She still has those qualities, as evidenced by the bowling episode (and her giant loose-leaf notebook of stuff on the constituent who didn't like

Uh, Liz left the door open.

Mom-Boss. Which was freakin hilarious.

I know, I was so hoping we'd escape without it being mentioned. Too much to hope for here at Geek Central, I guess. *sigh*

Stowe looks scary, and it makes me sad. What a waste.