
She is amazing, even more so because she looks like a beautiful almost 60-year-old (!!!) woman, not like a sad 60-year-old woman trying to look 30. Keeping it classy, Mary!

Oh, and it's never NOT fun to see a little Dennis Duffy.

I was just glad to see some of the supporting characters featured again. Seems like it's been all about Tracy and Jenna (who should be supporting for a reason: their characters just aren't real or appealing enough to be leads, and they're better in smaller doses) and the Liz/Jack dynamic. I miss Jack's secretary, I

Agreed, dummy!

Wish I could like this mini discussion at least 10 times.

Nice. :-)

Goodwin, yawn. Whitman FTW!

"[S]erial killer good looks"You totally pegged it. Brianruns10. I kept thinking, "Looks like a Mormon on his mission year," but yours is spot on.

Funny. My brother and I dressed up our younger brother in drag more than once. He later joined the army, fought in the Gulf, and is now a 6'2" welder. Thank goodness we have the photos…

This is the first episode in a long time that I felt deserved an A (but I'll settle for the B+). Interesting pairings, non-annoying Claire and Mitchell, and genuine LOL lines throughout. Well done, MF! Betty Luke—classic.

Nope, not a tantrum (and I have seen PLENTY, my friend). Acting out for attention is more like it.

Yes, THIS. More Manny, I say!

"Alex has been on a mean streak lately" Lately? Try always.

Hahaha!!! Oh, Mae, I heart you so hard.

"That kinda whiny political operative guy obviously has a crush on Amber. I don’t really care about this storyline" Um, what?!? I will crawl across hot coals to watch Mae Whitman do anything. And it's nice to see Amber being confident and successful, AND the object of affection of someone stable. In other news, more

Yes. It's infectious. Like an STD.

Thank you for oh so concisely reinforcing my opinion of Community fans/posters. :-)

Yeah, but I don't see Chris ever being willing to eat pie.

Oh, good. And here was I, afraid that a week would go by without some Community fan posting about Community on a board that has nothing to do with Community.

Yes, I geeked out over Clara. Hope she comes back!