
The review on the NPR blog stated "It started with Robin — who has always maintained that she did not want kids — narrating to kids she told us right off the bat were her kids with Barney."
See, here's the thing. DID she tell us that? Because of evidence in previous seasons, I had already assumed that Robin didn't

Yep. This is totally what he meant.

You can watch it online. :-)

Speaking as an unmarried and child-free professional woman in her 40s, that is totally NOT the message I came away with from this episode. I thought they handled it brilliantly with the lines "It's one thing not to want something. It's another to be told you can't have it."

Yes, there are things that kids sometimes have to do just because they are what comes with being part of a family. No payment, no argument, just do it.

If by "love," you mean "hate," then I agree.

Not yet. Season 1 of The Office was a lot stronger than season 1 of P&R, although from season 2 onward I have been a bigger fan of P&R.

“Aunt Betty’s wigglin’ on a piglet.”
Um, I believe the correct line was "Aunt Betty's WIGLET on a piglet." Not only because a wiglet is/was an actual thing, but also because it sets up the next line, "Carl said you couldn't tell them apart." :-)

Paul F-for-Effing TOMPKINS, people! I needed nothing else.

Olivececile, you're freaking me out. ;-)

Undoubtedly it varies from state to state. If it really is a branch of the state university (and not a community college), I definitely think the price is realistic. Here in PA, specifically Philly (arguably the most expensive area in the state) the range for a 3-credit course at a comparable school would easily be in

My assumption was that it was a small state school or community college (didn't the motto on their banner have the word "adequate"?), so $900 + change for a 3-credit course seems about right.

Yes, but remember that Leslie is RIDICULOUSLY concerned with ethics and rules, to her own detriment at times. For that reason, I never saw this as an unreasonable plot point.

I think you're referring to Phil telling Jay that the massage had a "happy ending." That was a laugh-out-loud moment for me. Love you, Phil!

The B story was completely pointless, unless the point was to show how incredibly dickish Robert California is. I have always loved the line that The Office used to walk between humor and discomfort, but his taking over the band was just plain mean and unfunny.

That line reading could not have been any better than it was. Funny, character- and situation-appropriate. Perfection.

AND followed up by Leslie's Khrushchev moment with the shoe! I had to rewind and watch that whole sequence again. Love!

I want Chris March to be my gay husband.

She is a tiny, tiny girl.

Word. I'm wondering how Rico Rodriguez concentrates with those right in his face. Seriously, his head is at the same level.