
This whole thread is so tricky, because if she was OVERweight, comments on her appearance would get us in a lot of trouble, justifiably I think. Kind of a shame that her appearance is up for public comment at all, but, on the other hand, actors are in the public eye and their looks are a part of their tool kit, so to

It's like what Tom & Lorenzo say (about men, too). After age 40, you can choose face or ass*….and more people should be choosing face because choosing ass is so aging.

According to family legend, the first full phrase I ever uttered was "Son of a bitch!" after falling down on my grandmother's cement patio. Courtesy of my dad saying about 100 times prior, I'm sure. Good times.

"Pudding go boom!"

Yes! Funny how much talent you can fit into a mere 30 minutes when you cut out 60 minutes of bullshit, no? ;-)

Yeah, the musical-reference dialogue was incredibly pretentious and annoying. But I guess it plays better to someone who is actually 16 (or a hipster of any age, usually male), a demographic where many decide whom to date based solely on a. how hot the person is, b. how cool the person is according to him/her liking

Yes, he is a very under-utilized character. Glad they're actually doing something with him this season.

Word. He is the only man on that show I'd consider marrying. ;-)

I disagree. You need  a few characters like this (Joel, Mark, and, to a certain extent, Camille) to ground the other characters, and the story as a whole. This is the way real families work, at least in my experience.

Agreed. Sewing is more than needle and thread. It's knowing about fabric and texture, knowing how to cut and tailor. Remember how Fallene didn't know what cutting on the bias was? Bryce was bitchier than he needed to be, but he was right to be surprised that she didn't know. There's a level of sewing knowledge and

Chris March's show on Bravo has been getting good buzz.

No, too scary.

Was it a branch? Looked like some sort of folding peg rack to me. Which made it even funnier!

I can totally see the Ron/Tammy 1 relationship. She knew him when he was born, she was undoubtedly the first woman he slept with, and, as he subsequently grew up, she learned how to manipulate and control him. Makes sense to me.

"And Kimberly managed to rescue the Alice Doesn’t Leave Here Anymore vibe of her top a bit." WHAT??? Were we watching the same show? That was one of the worst PR garments ever.

I think it's also a bit of a counter-culture thing. One counter-culture type is usually unfazed by another counter-culture type, even if they're coming from totally different places.

OMG, Big Gay Josh! Why have I never seen it before?!? That is perfection.