I’m honored!
I’m honored!
Ha! You can ding me for not using all caps, though.
It’s a Turdis?
Inside and out.
Agreed! Also, it continues to be painful that people shrug off Trumps’s multiple Putin-linked advisors, cabinet picks, and debts, as bizarre “conspiracy theories”. Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor seems perfectly reasonable to them, though.
Tinfoil turban.
Please submit that script, Mr. Finger.
I didn’t think I could loathe Trump apologists more, but these people who answer every global concern with “Ha, ha, you lost!” are moving me toward violence. Yep, we lost. Guess what? So did you.
It’s all of a piece with “draining the swamp”.
I have read that she does. I’m declining to Google it now. :)
Yep. We see it. He will not.
Sigh, yes. Also, I asked him to think about why he believed “this motherfucker” needed burning now, with this particular election. Apparently, it just does.
The one man I know who voted for Trump actually cited “We need to burn this motherfucker down!” as a reason.
I’m pissed that Steve Bannon exists on this earth.
So they recognize that Trump is the Dark Side, eh?
Like in Sullivan’s Travels. This entire country is the chain gang now.
Another reason to like Drake.