
Whatever anyone thinks of the existence of his job, he is very good at his job.

They should have gone ahead and given them catalogue numbers.

My deplorable neighbor believes Hillary Clinton will start making “energetic” appearances this week, but it will be because of “drugs and vitamins”. Also, someone should make her quit “playing politics”, to take care of her health. Ugh.


Even if Hillary Clinton turns out to have bubonic plague, she still won’t be as medieval as this nightmare man.

I would enjoy that immensely.

I’m with her. And/or her body double.

I had a knee-jerk negative reaction to the title “Love Warrier”.

My reaction was “NO! NO! Okay, wait, read it all the way through... Whew!”

By leaps and bounds.

Call me when she vomits on a Prime Minister.

America feels greater already. /s

I would like to wake up from this bad dream now, please.

Sure, any woman “too ambitious” or ”bossy” or “opinionated” is “not feminine enough".

WWJD? Plotz.

I like that SJP usually goes all out for a gala.

Yeah, if Borat would wear it, no one else should.

Well, I think there would be, if I didn’t know he wrote this tripe.

People are mocking this guy’s appearance, but if he was an intelligent, kind-hearted, and nerdy-looking man, I’d be attracted. It’s like the Ann Coulter debate in another thread. The poison is on the inside.

Late, but devilishly dirtbaggy!