
We need a vaccine against Texism.

We’re neighbors.

Of course this clueless scumbag invoked Black Lives Matter. Of course.

That would be a step up!

Well, they were invited.

Also that topknot hairstyle really suits Alicia Keys. She-who-must-not-be-named always makes hers look painfully tight. To match her clothes, I guess.

I read the headline wrongly, as “Brie Larson”, despite the photo, right there in front of me. That was a very strange two minutes.

Ah ha ha!

This campaign is so terrible, I want to accuse you of making it up, then commend you on such a good hoax.

I am distracted by the gloves. Was she making cascarones while wearing them?

I agree that she’s far too young to be a legend in any other context, but this is MTV.

Nah, I feel sorry for this wiener.

The only Willy Wonka, period.

Oh, the humanity.


I saw pictures of this event, in which people were wearing T-shirts with a dildo variation of the Gonzales flag. They read “Take It And Come.”

Neighbors, acquaintances, and the like, I can say “I disagree” to, and walk away. Relatives, I can’t give up trying to reason with. I guess I will die, fighting and crescent roll-less.

That’s it! The Trump campaign already tried explaining away anti-Semitic images with the “sheriff’s star” defense.

She should have told him they were sheriff’s students.

Every time I say Beyoncé can’t top her last performance, she shuts my mouth.