That still doesn’t make sense. I think women who carry designer handbags think they’re better than me. So I’m going to ban designer handbags.
That still doesn’t make sense. I think women who carry designer handbags think they’re better than me. So I’m going to ban designer handbags.
you need to be on twinja! we have other castings.
An online casino purchased it and Shatner donated the money to Habitat for Humanity!
It doesn’t matter why, all that matters is that we are now experiencing a level of art that cannot be matched. We will always remember these times, for the rest of our lives.
HYGIENE! How even? The extra fabric holds bacteria? I can’t even...
God, looking at Karen Walker was such a sight for sore eyes. I miss her. Megan Mullally is seriously not given her proper due. She’s the fucking BEST!!
Someone on Twitter referred to him as “Swim Shady” which is so brilliant, and I hope it catches on.
Ugh, I have no patience for the the feminists who are pro this ban. It’s as not okay to force a woman out of certain clothes as it is into them. And also, it won’t work. Make it so that I can only go swimming if I’m dressed not to my religious standards and I just won’t go swimming.
I hope the video actually exists, and I want to see Lochte react to it and try to explain his way out of it.
Right? This is MY Olympics.
I’m kind of impressed when Lochte doesn’t put his shoes & socks on in that particular order.
For what it’s worth, Daily Mail is reporting the swimmers trashed a gas station bathroom, and the security guard at the gas station pulled a gun and said they had to pay for damages. But some other outlets are saying generic brawl at the gas station. I am anxiously awaiting the leak of that footage.
I’m actually kind of impressed that Lochte had the foresight to skip town before everything went south.
I thought it was Austin Powers.
I guess Anna Condo don’t want none anymore.
So Ashley would be Sarah Not So Brightman?
Going by that picture, George Condo is an alter ego for Andrew Lloyd Webber.