No, sorry. Those are not facts.
No, sorry. Those are not facts.
We could argue about this all day, to no avail. You believe “the media” virtually ignored the story. I have read reams about it, so I say you are incorrect. This flood, thank goodness, did not kill the incredible number of people that Katrina did. So perhaps coverage seems subdued in contrast, but it was far from…
Certainly, there we agree. When President Obama tours, there will be lots of cameras, too. What I dispute, is the strange notion that no one paid attention to this tragedy before Trump. That is not true. Every one of my “biased liberal media” news sources reported it. Including Gawker media. They also reported the…
Ha, shepherds would love it if sheep mindlessly followed, but that’s a myth, too. Oh well.
I disagree. There are already numerous posts in this thread, written by myself and others, which explain this. You might want to consider incorporating “lemming” into your insult repertoire. “Sheep” is so overplayed.
I believe he was there to raise awareness of himself.
Don't! Silly women play video games. (;
I encourage you to read this article, and the other comments in this thread.
He works bigly.
I’m happy to converse, and I did reply to you, which brought your comment out of the grey. I simply disagreed. Brietbart is run by Trump’s campaign manager, so I will not accept it as a rebuttal to “biased media”. I watched the video you recommended of his supposed volunteering. I also watched others. I saw in them a…
I watched the video, which paints a different picture than the still. Hopefully, his appearance did lift supporters’ spirits for a bit, though.…
Thank you! You are very kind to say so.
Well, I don’t know how to quantify my cynicism, so I can’t answer that. As for the current and former presidents, I would not expect either of them to unload trucks. That would be a waste of presidential resources. I believe our presidents should declare disaster areas, release funding, authorize FEMA, and encourage…
Cute! I watched Trump “unload” six or seven little boxes of Play-Doh for the cameras (It really was Play-Doh) and I completely disagree with your assessment of Hillary Clinton. Your wordplay is worth a chuckle, though.
One made of Play-Doh, perhaps!
Oh, I thought the joke was that Stamos couldn’t easily narrow down who he’s been in bed with. Am I giving Saget too much credit for wit?
That’s his nickname! He loves it! You’re fine!
Agreed, on all counts.
Perhaps this video is watchable for you.