
Heh. I prescribe a course of Masterpiece Theatre.


Doesn’t everyone on the Gawker main page hate everyone else on the Gawker main page?

I think he was clearly a few cards short of a full deck, and your nose is fine. Some noses are long, some are snub, some are arched, some are flat, some are wide, some are narrow, and mine currently has a big pink zit.

That is the most disturbingly romantic story!

What on earth? Who would think that was acceptable?

They’d make a great "pro-life” poster.

Could be! I guess I usually see the photos where she’s surrounded by models, and she stands up straight with them.

Oh dear!

Blocking the beach, I will side-eye!

It’s definitely too much house for the location, but Taylor Swift didn’t commission it, did she?

I think she’s only doing that because she’s talking to shorter people. I don’t see her hunching in most photos. You did remind me to sit up straight, so good work there.

Thanks! I knew the definition of “cuckold”, but the shortened version is too new for me to have read about it yet.

The sad manbabies happened.

Not my kink.

He’s not an exciting choice, but he’s a practical choice. I’m okay with this.

Ugh. Of course there’s an insult word for that. Ugh.

He’s so on fleeketty wokeddy baeish and cuckly.

Thanks. I ought to know these words, even if I will never use them (and they make me think I need another shower).

Oh, like anti-white supremacist? I thought the word for that was “normal".