So that’s a “no”?
So that’s a “no”?
I agree completely! But let me tell you about my recipe for boiled water.
It was Tupac’s “Temptations”! Whew. One more day before I need to retire to the Home.
I’m having an attack of the OLD, and can’t remember in which music video Jada Pinkett does a “drop and then slither up” move. There was keyhole peeking involved, maybe? Anyway, THAT is what this robotic spasm “bend and snap” should have been.
I’m not sure about skin. That will take some thinking. However, I’m still unhappy about Chris March’s Project Runway final collection being savaged for using human hair. Really, Heidi? You had someone else’s hair glued to your scalp, don’t look so shocked about weaving it into a skirt.
Even before the stupid sign came out, we all knew it would be that guy, right?
I would have, too. Only I’m late to the Pacey Party.
Whoa! That was a sudden trip back in time. I remember her.
You’re hungry?
I am okay with stairs, but down escalators are my nemesis. I get vertigo, and take so long psyching myself up for that first step on, it is better for everyone if I just use the stairs.
Who knew?
Gosh. How adult.
I don’t think you are supposed to feel more for Manning’s attempt. Hers is simply the attempt we are talking about at the moment. We don’t need to #allleavenworthsmatter, do we?
I’m not certain why, but it is coming for us all.
I know. I understand someone having tweaks to her appearance made, if it pleases her, but I am saddened when it seems like a wholesale rejection of her original self.
Her smile frightens me.
To me, her “calmness” was very similar to the way a horse trainer speaks to a spooked and dangerous animal. She couldn’t risk setting Officer Triggerhappy off on herself or her daughter.