
I mean, what could go wrong?

I would buy all of that, in a heartbeat.

And don’t forget that you acquire superpowers when confronted by cops. Yessir, all the luck.

Why not? What’s one more?

I don’t recall actually drooling, but I cheerfully mocked Jeb Bush for claiming to be Hispanic, yes. His kids, no. They have Mexican heritage, and are entitled to claim it.

🌟 Bonus star for “footstools.”

Oh yes, the same magic get-into-Harvard-free box Obama checked, right? Pffft.

She’s working hard for that VP slot.

Could be! I’m no expert. She’s pretty and her hair looks nice, it just doesn’t strike me as hair anyone would be clamoring to know the secrets behind.

Her hair is... nice enough.

I heard this news in traffic, at a stoplight, listening to NPR. I yelled “Yes!” and made the pictured gesture. Other women in other cars reacted similarly. It was great.


I think maybe there was some video editing to blend real faces with molded bodies. Yes, those breasts are all too stiff.

Must we? Well, I got the memo too late, and I’m already thoroughly impressed.

I don’t have advice, but I can offer empathy. Also applause for your screen name. You must be a witty and wonderful person.


I’m not sure what level of blackheads I get, but this stuff works well for me. It has the “gunk drawing out” properties of regular clay, with a fuzziness that seems to enhance it.

I am not applying to med school, but your first SNS deserves a star.

I firmly believe, if you can joke about toxic dicks, you are going to get through this horrible patch soon and come out happy.