
That’s not Journey. That’s “Journey.”

My two cents: Give yourself permission to have faith. A belief in something spiritual isn’t the same as believing all the man-made rules and prohibitions. You can be fully aware that humans, over centuries, wrote and rewrote the dogma. While still believing there is a core of goodness, some kind of soul, in kind

I’m sorry. She was a beauty.

Maybe she stayed just to NOT upset his mother, but once Mama passed, freedom called.

Luckily, I slept through the alarm.

So, “tie the goop” made me laugh-snort my yoghurt, which totally counts as an organic nasal cleanse, yes?

Yeah, but at least he didn’t have a private email server, right?

Maybe too many of us said “There can’t be a worse president than W,” and Fate decided to take the dare.

That looks about right. Well, maybe it needs a few more dirty diapers.

They were driving the flying car from Grease. They were, damn it.

The Queen is a riot.

Ooh, I like that theory.

But we’re all still here!

BRB. Ordering the book and a red lipstick.

What, shamed for such a startlingly original, and totally not at all like “I’m going to hold my breath until I turn blue, and then you’ll be sorry” statement?

Helen Mirren* would be a glorious villain.

Election ulcers, here we come.

This campaign year is exhausting me.

I expect to read about some grand McGyvering out of it, some day.

Ouch, my heart just outgrew the grinch's.