
When I get accused of only seeing black or white and not shades of gray (being intolerant of intolerance), I counter with,”I see a whole world of f##king colors, that is where the nuance is.”

All these fascists who happen to be POC will be in for a rude awakening.

It used to be Lincolnwaswrong. They shortened it at Ellis island.

“Racial War and Crusade to keep the Niggers, Spics, and Muslims and any dangerous non-White or Ethnically or Culturally foreign group “In Line.”

A few bad apples is my personal fave.

but because they have an all or nothing approach to patriotism everything

The bad apples line has never been accurate and is continually used to deflect attention from the fact that police work is institutionally rotten and can never be repaired without severe oversight from outside agencies. Nothing short of that will have any meaningful impact. The orchard is poisoned. 

If we could get people to use this and the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” correctly, my pedantic little heart would grow 3 sizes.

Cops associations are not "unions." That's why you can so frequently say "any other union would..."

You can respect law enforcement and at the same time despise the monsters with badges that should being sitting in jail with life sentences. Shockingly there are good cops. There are also bad cops and the vile unions that protect them until the end. They're right up there with the Teamsters in how corrupt they are.

“That’s what our job is that’s what you expect when you dial 911 when there’s a criminal attacking you,” Lynch continued . . .

And the rest of that saying is “...ruin the bunch”

Im totally pro union except for LEOs. All cops are bad. 

Also unironically saying that she should leave if she doesn’t like “Freedom!” makes me explode.

This one quote she received here embodies how far gone these people are. They aren’t Republicans anymore. Its something else. Its stupidity and asinine and scary that these people think that criticizing the President is equivalent to treason. Like are you fucking kidding me? Ignoring the fact that its one of our

Every time an American politician places Israel as some sort of open, democratic beacon of light in a hostile Middle East, I have to laugh. It is an increasingly authoritarian state with ethnic and religious discrimination as state policy. 

Sometimes I think the greatest feat of political gamesmanship the Republicans have pulled in the last 40 years is how thoroughly they have gotten in the heads of Democrats of a certain generation.

I’m mom to just one girl but yes, all of this. Her feet smell. She burps and farts with glee. She loves dinosaurs, digging in the dirt, outer space, and doing science experiments. She also loves dolls, looking pretty, and princesses. These things are not mutually exclusive and the whole #boymom phenomenon drives me

Exactly. #Boymom is the precursor to “Boys will be boys.”

My Mom had all girls and “boy moms” used to annoy her so much. They all seemed to assume that being loud, messy, and roughhousing was something only boys did. She would frequently point out that my sisters and I did all of those things (especially the story where my middle sister and I were fighting and fell onto the