Cynical? No.
Cynical? No.
Don Jr is an asshole everyday.
The sad part is that they’ve already succeeded by being born into white, upper-middle-class families, and they’ll continue to fail upwards while still bitching about liberals, immigrants, etc.
White culture = cherry-picked appropriation of other cultures. That’s it.
You can still see the trauma of that terrible night in Jared’s eyes!
Yup, I was early on the jackass train.
Plus, let’s not forget that the US system if it denies bail can keep the accused behind bars for obscene amounts of time as well. Not saying Sweden is better or worse, just that the criminal justice system seems fucked the world over.
tl;dr - one can be held in ‘häkte’ (custody before trial) for years in Sweden, although it is not very common. I do not know of a strictly formal limit to the possible length of the ‘häkte’ custody.
So, (not so) shortly:
Detaining someone in remand prison is requested by the prosecutor and decided by the court (I know for a fact that they don’t always follow the request), and how long someone is detained depends on the situation.
Paywall can kiss my ass.
Remember when hip hop heads were mad at Obama for calling Kanye a jackass? Those were the days.
Interesting opinion piece in the NYT yesterday considering the real advantages of going back to where (his ancestors) camp from- Ireland.
It’s just the way the system in Sweden works .They are limited in time (by law) as to how long an investigation goes on for from the moment they question a suspect till they can physically charge him ( they have to charge them in person - there are no charges in absentia ) and they usually take the full amount of time…
Oh my god, I’m dumb “Flight risk” as in he might leave the country to avoid prosecution.
This. Israel’s an entire separate country that should be able to handle its sh*t on its own.
Yeah, this is leading down a path where Trump will say to his base “Shouldn’t the president have the power to send bad immigrants back?”
denying an allegedly valid visa is shitty too
Panarin ~was~ the highest profile Russian athlete to criticize Putin.
If he had a valid visa (from the embassy/consulate), why was he deemed ‘inadmissible’?