
Maybe it's a power grab. In which case I would be on board.

His nonstop contempt for Benjamin Franklin has become a new high point. It never stops being funny.

"That's what you found for Katrina to wear, in everything the hospital lost and found had to offer. No comfy cotton plaids? None at all?"

Near the end of the episode, when Katrina was writhing on the floor of the church in agony, her legs flailing, I just nodded knowingly and said "skinny jeans."

Did love Abbie deflating Icabhod's "good old days' talk with. "Black people couldn't vote. Neither could women. So I'd be banned at the door twice over."

He updates his pintrest a lot. It mostly has hats.

'Woven on a heritage Saxony loom,' she said. As someone who has handmade stockings before, that pile of clothes she just handed him was worth a fortune. Seriously. I have yet to like anyone enough to even make them a pair of ankle socks, let alone proper stockings. Or shirts. Or trousers. My god. That was love.

This recap was a thing of beauty. Well done.

"Study for Whistler's Mother (If Whistler's Mother was a Stone Bitch)," 1779

Who's a cute widdle raven? You's a cute widdle raven!

Great write up. I about spit my water I was drinking all over my keyboard when I saw the "expectation / reality" photo with Ichy 'shopped into the Fast & Furious cast.

Hey at least it wasn't a skin flute.

Who cares. Now he has a mini-town like the one in Beetlejuice! I can't wait for the tiny whore house to come to life...wait. Wrong thing. It's like the Mini Chicago in The Dresden Files, and he'll use it for spell-casting...wait. Wrong thing. Heck. Maybe evil-Walter just likes to keep his hands busy while he's

I kind of want to make a twee little model of my hometown now . . .

So.... last week, their stealing the Horseman's skull to stick it on, and re-animate a different corpse to become a super-warrior in their defense..... which episode of X-Files was that from again?

It's ... not like any of the other shows out there? (That I watch, anyhow.) I mean, obvs it's not Mad Men or Girls or what-have-you, but it's also not like Supernatural or Grimm. It's very diverse, frequently hilarious, and not afraid to just go there - wherever "there" is. Which can be Purgatory or a bank where

As I noted in another forum last night, what cracks me up about Sleepy Hollow is the way Crane will get all agitated and persnickety about Paul Revere in shirtsleeves on the Sam Adams beer bottle, while ALSO engaged in trying to retrieve the conveniently quarter-sized Judas coin that Benedict Arnold touched. Among

Plus balsa wood, Elmer's glue, and those little trees made of green rubber-foam stuff that you can buy at the craft store.

I thought Henry had made it clear the coin wasn't "turning evil" just bringing out the dark side in people and thus with Arnold, it touched on his pride to warp him. After all, the guy did get sort of screwed over after being nearly killed in battle which pushed his turn so in the show's world, makes sense the coin

I am soooo glad Sleepy Hollow is back.....and I'm even happier that Genevieve is back on Tuesday mornings with the recap. Still the best part of the entire experience.

I'm a grown ass man with a grown ass job and I squeed with joy when this episode started. I may have to kick my own ass.