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    Now that we all know the urban legend about how many spiders you ingest in your sleep is TOTALLY TRUE (thanks, show!) maybe I swallowed one of Henry's Jincan creepies and it is now burrowing through my brain because *ducks* I freakin' LOVED this episode, and Sleepy Hollow is still my happy place on Monday nights. The

    Last night's episode made me realize that there is NOTHING this show can do that is too silly for me to stop watching. Because EVIL COINS. Really? My WTF moment lasted about a minute before the show reeled me in, hook, line and sinker, like it does every week. To add an impeccable sense of comic timing to Tom Mison's

    And casting Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane? Tom Who? And he then proceeds to create a character who has to be intelligent, baffled by the 21st century (but not TOO baffled), charming, arrogant, heroic, and most of all, believable and likeable. Often all in the same scene. Tom Mison nailed it.

    Let's be real: the whole idea of Sleepy Hollow was viewed as lunacy.

    WHISPERS by Dean Koontz. When you find out what the whispers are. GAWD.