
I think there are several possibilities with the pregnancy thing.
1. It is a ruse to hold onto Jaime's loyalty. But I don't think that's likely. Jaime has been loyal to the point of imbecility the past few seasons.

Randall Tarly can't die until he gets a Golden Bitchslap from Jaime. I didn't get Ron Connington being socked in the mouth and I need to some teeth fly.

Euron probably built a hundred new ships in the time it took to have the battle.

I'm hoping that what we will see is a plot amongst the Stark kids, led by Sansa, who has finally learned to apply her lessons. Littlefinger needs to be thoroughly discredited with the knights of the Vale before he gets offed in a public manner. The Vale may not like LF, but he is the Regent for Robin and the Vale

But the quick dodging that kept her from being pulverized by Brienne's mighty, yet ineffective swings was taught by the late, unlamented Waif. And "no one" was the far more bad ass answer.

Yeah, but …

She's the rightful queen. She don't need no stinking learning.

Have to disagree. Littlefinger doesn't trust anybody. He only said it to Varys to show off his (Littlefinger's) cleverness. And I suspect that LF had enough dirt on Varys for there to be mutually assured destruction if they made any overt moves against each other. They both had their uses for the crown and that

It's the writers semaphoring that she isn't the "rightful" monarch with all the subtlety of an oncoming freight train. Convinces me they will somehow retcon Jon being Rhaegar's legitimate heir and he will "win" the game of thrones. Big ole meh, except maybe seeing Danaerys forced to bend the knee.

Yeah, he's been in character arc jail in the cell next to Jaime's.

That's much too direct for Littlefinger. He gets caught and he's toast. Also messes with his avowed purpose of protecting his darling Cat's kiddies. Much more likely he'll try to play them against one another.

No, Bronn took some schwag after the Blackwater, but they reconciled pretty quickly. Then he refused to fight the Mountain in the trial by combat, but who could blame him? Was that when Bronn pointed out how one sided their "friendship" was, that Bronn was always being asked to risk his life for Tyrion? Still, he

When Bran threw the "Chaos is a ladder" line, all I could think was "Didn't see that possibility in your mind, did you Littlefucker."

I think it's become more "Hey, this is where the important people are from" rather than a "This is where we are going this week." travelogue.

I think most people who root for Jamie are really rooting for Book Jaime and waiting for him to show up. Last week's episode made me despair of it happening (while I was throwing up in my mouth.)

Please not until he is the recipient of The Golden Bitchslap that should have been Ron Connington's. Even if you aren't a J/B shipper, you've got to want somebody to sock him in the face.

These things may have been answered below, but I couldn't find them.
The Horn of Joramun - There was a horn in the cache of dragon glass they found at the Fist. It was prominently featured in the shot and then disappeared. I always figured it was going to be the Horn, then they dropped the plot point from the show.

I can't help but think that the Sheldon/Leonard story would have worked much better it they had switched the roles: Leonard getting all the credit for the idea and Sheldon being shunted aside. Then Sheldon could have gone through the agony of realizing that in this case HE was "just the engineer" by doing the math

Did anyone else catch that the San Francisco law firm Laurel was joining was Weathersby, Posner? I still miss you Eli Stone.

I'm really glad that Samaritan hasn't killed off Zoe, but I also can't figure out why Samaritan hasn't killed off Zoe. It seems to me she would have been high on the hit list. And maybe that means that Leon is still out there somewhere.