
Did anyone else think that Brandon Routh was doing Zachary Levi's version of Ray Palmer last night? I was getting serious Chuck vibes.

I never thought Manu Bennet could look better than in a loin cloth, but then I say him in a perfectly tailored suit.

You're not the only one peeved. Stephen Amell actually asked people to stop kvetching to him about it on his Facebook page.
Way to alienate the fandom DC and WB.

Bonus points if they find a way to include Amanda Waller.

In the OMG Didn't Anyone In The Academy Actually Watch It category:
Modern Family for Best Comedy (hasn't been consistently good since season 1, hasn't been good at all since season 2)
Jessica Lange for American Horror Story (Overacting in the highest Shatnerian tradition to cover the pointless scripts)
Kathy Bates for

Well, I didn't actively vomit. And I would have it Bill had popped up out of that coffin declaring that his heart was beating.

At least they didn't have Bill turn human so he and Sookie could live out a Twue Wove fantasy life. When Bill got warm and Sookie could hear his thoughts that is where I really thought they were going. Which tells you just how bad I thought the show had gotten.

Yeah. As soon as they used Felicity in the original montage for Slade's “I’ll corrupt what he loves” threat, I went to him trying to/shooting up Ivo’s daughter with mirakuru as twisted justice in a crazy mind.

I didn’t think that Manu Bennett could look better than as the Undefeated Gaul, but, DAYAM!