Ford guy who drives mostly GM

Yeah. I’m not in love with the body kit over stock, but it’s unique and looks good. Door cards are beautiful, everything is beautiful.

Just to answer your question....

If the largest economy in the world can’t sustain unemployment benefits for it’s citizens for 3-4 months, then it’s ridiculously fragile and probably should die.  We’re talking a few months here.... not for all eternity.  

$3500 for a quality shaggin-wagon?
This is the perfect vehicle for your 17yr old high school senior, especially if you want to be a grandparent within the year.
Seriously, for this price it really is a great first car (usual caveats apply, assuming everything is relatively in order and functional)

Lawn maniacs tend to take good care of their car as well.
I mean, look at that turf !

On one level, a company can fire someone for almost any reason, or decide not to fire them for almost any reason. Exceptions are rare and narrow.

Yeah man, got to make sure technicians aren’t *checks notes* making a side income in a completely unrelated field.

Sex work is real work. No different than any other side gig.

If you think anything that’s happened in the last 30 days or so equates to tyranny than you are the fool.

“Freedom” has been the politically correct way to say “money” for quite a few years now.

If I run enough businesses into the ground then I might be able to be elected President; failing upwards is the American way.

the tree of capitalism must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of the poor & vulnerable... 

One more Fox News talking point, and you would have had bingo!

Freedom means being willing to die desperately gasping for air so the stock market can go up another half percent. 

It takes some very basic intelligence to understand a few things.

Surprise, surprise. Another rich businessman telling us to “GET BACK TO WORK!!!” despite the U.S. having had the shortest, most lax quarantine and (coincidentally, I’m sure /s) the most cases despite the low amounts of tests being done relative to the population. It’s almost as if they’re greedy fucks who care only