
Campell is a Liefeld who can actually draw. And that’s about it. I do remember picking up Image/Wildstorm comics after I stopped reading the big two in the later 80's. For about a year or so they were sufficiently different to make the buy list until you notice this is the 90's era of comics and even if you see

I’m sure there will b e a lot of rebels yelling, If not in the trailer, then in the film :)

Stop with the idol speculation.

Yeah, apparently they’re under the impression that Venom is still a huge thing.

Now playing

Danny Elfman has a quirky pop quality? The hell you say...

But if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. I’d like to have a discussion of the show with people who aren’t trying to one-up each other with how much they hate the show and for how long.

Nope. This series is made great by the ever changing definition of humanity, seen through the eyes, hearts, sweat and blood of all of those involved. The zombie apocalypse only serves to make this descent into darkness possible. As the flickers of humanity grow more dim and infrequent, we the viewers are forced to

Sorta... but not quite.

All casting issues aside, I really want this to be good, but I’m not feeling this kid playing Danny. He seems a little....“lightweight” for Danny That I keep seeing Ryan Phillipe doesn’t help.

Yep! If you’re fine letting women and brown people and the poor and the disabled get fucked over then I don’t give two shits if your home gets swept up by the wicked witch of the west. And frankly, if you don’t want to pay for my birth control, then I don’t want to pay for those takers who should have purchased their

They are all sitting in the destruction caused by the tornadoes probably cursing at Obama for some reason. So, I don’t really have the heart to feel bad for those states.

I hope he forgets.

Abbi destroying Whole Foods gives me life.

Comics have pretty much always super-villainized DID, starting with Two-Face and then Typhoid Mary. The only superheroic DID I’ve seen was Crazy Jane from Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol.

It casts a shadow over everything Riri Williams is currently doing in Invincible Iron Man, because the specter of “break glass to revive Tony Stark” hangs over that series in the context we have now.

As another “old” comic book reader, I couldn’t disagree more. Not everyone can be pleased, so although I’m sorry you’re not, I’m pretty happy with what Marvel is doing in the comics and I hope they stay the course.

“It looks like it’ll focus on the mysterious disappearance and return of a young woman who may have crossed onto other planes of existence.”

Honey, PLEASE.

Lair of the White Worm also features a young Peter Capaldi as the archaeology student Angus Flint mentioned in the synopsis.

Awesome news! Now if we could only get Ken Russell’s The Devils or a definitive bluray edition of The Wicker Man, Suspira, and Michael Mann’s The Keep.