
I was born in Cleveland, they are really good at causing chaos, I mean, they set the river on fire and have you ever heard of “Nickel beer night”? Look it up....

And the winner of the Golden Fedora award is....

Oh Yeah! Hell yeah! Nothin’ but yeah! I have fallen in love with this movie, and, the more I think about it, the more I love it! My jaw dropped when the Dreadnought showed up, I’m pretty sure I let out a fairly audible Keanu style “WHOAH” when Holdo rammed Snokes ship AT LIGHT SPEED!!! I also love how they set up the

I sometimes daydream about Guillermo Del Toro doing a remake of “Nightbreed”.

it would be pretty zany if Earth-X Flash ended up being Alternate Earth Eddie Thawn...

So, does that mean we get Jeffery Dean Morgan as Flashpoint Batman? Maybe a cameo by Lauren Cohan as The Joker?

Wow, I didn’t realize people hated this episode, it immediately became one of my faves of the series, also, did anyone else notice The Invisibles easter eggs in the graffiti?

What also makes this dark is when you start to really think about it, I mean, can two people really expect to be together forever? Do you think you could maintain a relationship with someone for eternity? So she gave up her convictions to be with this woman, but, will they really stay together “FOREVER”? It’s hard to

MEH. The Punisher is not good enough of a character to deserve his own series, can’t say this trailer did anything for me at all.

This sucks, it seems like some of the Marvel stuff that I was most looking forward to has been the ones to disappoint me, Iron Fist is one of my favorite characters, the show...not so much...(crossing my fingers that he’ll improve in The Defenders and 2nd season since they’re getting a new show runner.) Now this. And

So, does that mean Jeffery Dean Morgan is playing Batman? And will we get at least a cameo of Lauren Cohan as The Joker?

Holy OHMYGODS!!!! It looks like Jack Kirby’s art come to life!!! My body is ready!!

No. I want to see... maybe something from the Knights Of The Old Republic era, (and please don’t make any characters distant relatives of OT characters!) Or maybe something that has absolutely nothing to do with the OT or the prequels, there’s plenty of history in the Star Wars Universe to play with. The one stand

I know what you mean, I’m a Clive Barker fan, and, I’m still waiting for the third volume to the Books Of The Art trilogy, the second one, “Everville”, was published in 1994.

HAW HAW HAW!!! I Laugh at your impatience!

Sean Spicer is straight up bush league
...aaaaaaand I’m out.....

“I have fourteen more Transformers movies in the works” Micheal Bay threatened...

I’m super stoked about this, it looks.... Hela good....

I’m in the “Meh, didn’t hate it” camp, but, yeah, Davos was a disappointment, in the comics he always looked like a big dude who is the visual representation of “toxic masculinity”, like, I always imagined that Davos was the type of dude who would reek of cologne....

Hordor’s death was mentally scarring, especially after I realized there’s a fair chance he could come back as a White Walker now :-(