yeah thats BS, I’ve been to FT meetings, people go over their time ALOT
yeah thats BS, I’ve been to FT meetings, people go over their time ALOT
yeah.... no
We do, like higher than average, and a lot of it are gay kids from mormon families. :(
I know a lot of liberal mormons, so maybe you shouldn’t judge.
This girl makes the world a better place, and honestly probably the most interesting fast and testimony meeting anyone of these people have ever been to. Those things are boring AF.
right? Like worshiping a invisible sky daddy is totes acceptable, but once you call yourself a witch you’re a “crazy” person.
Yeah this was a bit much IMO, and a pagan bookstore is evil but performing an out dated rite that used to torture the mentally ill is, what? Just what God intended?
If Pagans egged a church or a store like Deseret Books we’d be run out of town and slaughtered in the news, politicians would come out of the wood work to harp against the evils of witch craft. It’s a fucking STORE c’mon, don’t Christians have anything else better to do with their time? As a pagan I have dealt with…
Everything you said sounds awesome.
I want to feel bad for them, cause that would be legit scary and their parents must have been really worried...On the other hand what did they expect, there’s 200 miles of dead streets down there, of course they were going to get lost. Though man it would be fun to be part of a actually expedition down there. I wonder…
So the president’s not a criminal cause he just didn’t know better? Wow I wish I could use this... Sorry officer I didn’t KNOW it was a crime, now you can’t arrest me.
Agreed, but in most states they won’t issue a certificate of fetal death until 20 weeks +
Yes, for me it would have. I will always remember those miscarriages, they were wanted babies and very painful. Needing to name them and fill out even more paperwork would have been worse. Plus I don’t need the physical paper reminder of my loss. It would be different if you gave birth to a still born or had a late…
Disgusting. And this (among other things) why I don’t care for Christians. Every time I turn around they are using their “faith” to hurt other people. I know it’s not ALL of them, but damn it seems to be the majority.
Walmart sucks and I only shop there if there is literally NO where else. My friend works there and they didn’t want to approve her bereavement when her mom died. She was also told she could apply for time off in advance and as long as she had the pto it would be approved. Bullshit, it’s always an argument, even if…
Only after 20 weeks. No point before that.
My husband’s first thought when I told him this.
A death or birth certificate would NOT have made any of my miscarriages easier.
Fuck this. 1) Can we say tax fraud and ss fraud liabilities? 2) You have to be BORN to get a birth certificate. Even a fetus after 20 weeks doesn’t get one, they get a death certificate or certificate of fetal still birth instead. 3) Trying a little hard for your when is a person and person bullshit, yes? and 4) Why…