Krogan Deathscort
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backstory: the school I work at in Vancouver, BC is being seismically upgraded, as are many because many of the schools built in VSB are gaining on 100 years old. In March (2020), before spring break, we all tirelessly packed up our entire classrooms in boxes to be moved over Spring Break to our ‘new school’ for the

I have a treasure trove of weird stories. I’m “that friend” for ghost problems, bad ju-ju in your house, all that stuff. I did college ghost hunting (which went well in hand with being a reinactor — you get a good sense for the historical and the legendary, and you learn what stuff could be plausible in old houses as

No. I don’t like this. ACK!

This reminds me of when we came home from a 10 day vacation during the holidays about 5 years ago. We left our car in the driveway and had our ex-roommate come check the house once a day and play with/feed our cat. Our first night back, just after we got into bed, we heard a loud truck pull up and park right in front

I didn’t tell my mom until I was an adult. She felt guilty that I was put in this situation. Growing up my siblings and I were often left alone with different workers in our homes because they were often still under construction in some way or we were in the process of moving. I look back and think it was insane, but

Growing up my family moved a lot. All within the same town. My parents had their own business building custom homes and for our family they would build a nice house and we would live in it until it sold. By the time I was 18 I had moved 30 times, mostly in the same town. Just from house to house. I mention this because

I posted this story last year, but I was sort of late in my submission and it ended up buried about 5,000 comments down. Now, two days into the contest and there’s already 365 comments! Well, here’s hoping it gets seen this year.

This happened when I was around 13 or 14. My dad had recently passed away, so it was just me, my mom, and my 5-years-younger brother. After my dad died, my mom became really adamant about always keeping the doors locked all the time, even though we lived in a safe, quiet neighborhood in a safe, quiet Alaskan town. I

Throw that shit away.

I’ve got one I call “Old Gray Thing” that I always forget to post. It was a paranormal encounter but I’m still not sure what exactly it was, and I’ve always been curious if anyone else has seen one too. I’m doxxing myself if anyone I know reads this, but here goes nothing...

When I was 14 I worked in a doll shop on the first floor of an old colonial house.

Full disclosure / Trigger Warning: This post could be triggering for people who have experienced abuse.

I told this one before, but I posted really late so I’ll try again this year.

I wish I had a ghost story because I love them (although I’m too much of a scaredy cat to seek anything like that out). But this is the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me.

I do not want to scare you any more than you are but the 3:30 a.m. shit is particularly bad and suggests that the paranormal activity might not be caused by a human ghost (“incarnate energy” sounds like a kind euphemism to me...but those things usually don’t go away with ordinary house cleansings).

Way, way back in the 1980’s, when all phone lines were ‘landlines’, answering machines were rare, and caller ID was not available, I was in Grade 11, home alone, and at the mercy of a persistent prank caller.

Most people don’t believe in ghosts. I didn’t, but after I had my baby, everything changed. I now know for sure there are things we cannot see that exist. My paranormal sensitivity intensified...something wanted my attention. It started when my partner (“M”) woke up in the middle of the night and yelled. He said he

Years ago, when I was a young adult, I lived in a rural area outside of a small town. To get to my house, I had to drive through a section of a wooded area. Not quite big enough to be a forest, and if you walked enough in one direction or another, you’d hit cattle pastures and farmland.

This is the scariest story I know.

Caution: This story is liable to be triggering for some people.