Krogan Deathscort

I had an abortion at 12 weeks and don’t regret it because I couldn’t be pregnant at that time, I was lucky to have that choice.. Anyone who thinks that women abort healthy babies after 24 weeks are crazy, stupid and douche wheels. I don’t know ANY mother that would wake up in third trimester and say, “huh, let’s just

Seriously we are the biggest fucking joke to everyone. I don’t blame them, I haven’t respected us for a long while either.

Bull isn’t bad, I stopped watching NCIS cause this actor left

I couldn’t care less about any of these shows, I’ve been unimpressed of late by most cable TV shows, unless they are a cooking reality show or tiny house hunters. The shows I do still love like Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock and Criminal Minds I simply wait until I can binge watch the entire new

Ok but the water has to have alcohol in it so it stings or be dyed a weird color like red so every time he’s dunked it’s another shame reminder. Or this:

This is a pretty picture. I mean, like if I saw it in someone’s portfolio and NOT an ad trying to sell me shit I would think, “huh, I like that”

I’m from California, literally everyone is dude :)

I wish I felt bad for her, but nah


I see so many woman where it is obvious they have no underwear on, it’s called lularoe leggings. Who cares?

Dude, are you my uncle? That is totally what he said when he saw this picture. Love it!

eh, I don’t really care. If I see the outline or details of some guys dick through his clothes I a)have a funny story to tell my husband or b)am grateful it’s IN his pants and not in a text on my phone or wagging at me in it’s naked not asked for glory.

ummmm no? children should be able to sleep at night.

this /\

Have you seen the looks he gives other ridiculous people? TBH he might have rolled his eyes at anyone. Though for me personally I think it’s less about her being a woman and more about her being Kellyanne Conway who is an idiot and talks out her ass for a living.

I love sims, and aside from it being a trend, which is stupid. I can see how people with disabilities or skin conditions may want their sims to reflect themselves.

I miss you Obama, and I too hope they don’t repeal the ACA