I wouldn’t wear it cause I hate latex, however she looks amazing, the color is great and she is fucking rocking it!
I wouldn’t wear it cause I hate latex, however she looks amazing, the color is great and she is fucking rocking it!
I am torn on this show. On one hand it does open up conversations about suicide and bulling. I have a 13 year old daughter who has in the past been suicidal. I wouldn’t let her watch this without me present and without making sure we talked about it. In fact maybe not at all as her therapist has warned against it.
Drunk it about the only way I can watch it now, as a grown up
Thank God I’m not the only one.
First Wives Club is an all time favorite at our house.
There was a really hot sex scene, but man I thought the rest sucked
I loved this movie for a time, re watched it recently and went...ugh...
And I thought I may be the only one who saw the astronauts wife for johnny depp lol
I was so in love with this at the time it came out. Like Dracula + Gerald Butler? I saw it in the theaters twice... I have no shame.
I actually really liked Dracula Untold, but I have shitty movie tastes
Bed of Roses man...Bed of Roses
Hmmmm....Probably The Astronaut’s Wife. Aside from one hot sex scene that movie was fucking awful. But I love Johnny Depp (not as much now).
If it were legal everywhere more moms would come out and say they smoke, but it’s illegal too many places and your work can still fire you over a drug test. So if you come home and get wrecked on booze and come to work sober, hey that’s your problem, but you smoke pot to wind down and come to work sober and they…
Yeah so I can’t get behind this and I liked Bernie. My one main issue that I advocate for fiercely is women’s health and reproductive rights and the ability to get a safe, affordable and legal abortion and that the hyde amendment is an abomination. So fuck you old white dude. Just because he’s the only democrat…
My dealer is a woman too lol
I love pot, not gonna lie. It helps me better with my depression and anxiety than my meds do. I like to light up in my bathroom after all my kids go to bed and then watch HGTV or cooking shows. It really helps during my period to ease cramps without the tummy issues pain meds give me. My sister takes it and it has…