Krogan Deathscort

it’s too classy

Dude would totally own and wear that watch.

The running theory with my friends is he got caught fucking a dead Russian transvestite.

I can’t even, I am so tired of reading about men regulating my body and cutting funds for things that are basic healthcare and punishing women for having sex. I’ll defend it with my last breath. But I am angry.

I am tempted to get Hulu just long enough to watch this. I love the book and in this day and age it’s even more terrifying.

Seriously I saw sooo many comments here and in other places about how it’s equal to circumcision .

Ugh so many people complaining (Edit: Not just on this site, but everywhere this story popped up today. I just feel safer commenting here where I am less likely to be attack my drones of white guys )that only female genital mutilation is reported on.

This /\ Something needs to be done, but I don’t think Trump should be the one doing it. He’s crazy.

I think I read he had no congressional backing for this action, yes? While what happened in Syria is a tragedy that makes me heart hurt I feel this was an action taken without thought that will come to bite us in the ass in ways we may and may not expect. Trump and men like him should NOT have the ability to bomb

I don’t know, maybe her family left her in the woods?

if you, as a human, spent your time crawling around the ground in the forest you too would be covered in wounds. We don’t have as thick of skin or hair to protect us.

I love that they say he rescued her from monkeys. I get it, kid needs a doctor and to be around humans (I guess, humans are pretty awful tbh) and probably shouldn’t be living in the wild by herself. But those monkeys don’t think the cop rescued her, they think he stole one of them like a horrible predator. I hope none

Good this is how it should be. Bigots shouldn’t prosper. Your state wants to act like a douche and deny people basic rights of equality? Fine, there goes tons of money down the drain. I live in Utah and if people refused to go to sundance or ski here because of some of our stupid laws I would ok with it.

Jane Eyre made me a raving mad woman in a tower... Oh hmmm, maybe not that far off. :)

Or the day the crayons quit, I mean what if that makes my daughter want to use her head to make a drawing?

Ugh people are so stupid. This may not have even been a book about a transgender child, maybe the boy just wore a dress. There’s a kid in my daughter’s 2nd grade class who wears a pirate costume every day. My daughter thinks it’s awesome. Ant- bullying is a great message and now we should all buy a copy to support the

me too, hate that song

My 13 year heard this song for the first time a few days ago and asked me why anyone liked it as it was super creepy . I couldn’t give her a good answer, I’ve always hated it.

I hate that song, though people forget it’s not originally pearl jam.