Krogan Deathscort

I’m never going to understand the mentality of people who don’t think EVERYONE deserves access to good affordable (if not free) healthcare. People shouldn’t go bankrupt paying medical bills no worry that they can’t afford to see their doctor.

aaaaaahhhh! Ok so now I’m super freaked out, but I really want everyone to watch it and experience my horror....I may have a problem lol

Yup I almost always use the term forced birther now.

right? like a little demon possessed clay figurine stalker.

This will be struck down as unconstitutional and is simply a waste of time and money. It does however show what horrible women hating forced birth douche bags most republicans are. This bill is horrible, are they going to pay for all the treatments for these children? Or increase welfare programs? Nope. Also God?

Right? Hence my torn feelings.

BWAAAAHHHHHHAA omg now I can’t un see this.

I’m torn. On one hand I like the message, calm, collected, nice sentiment. On the other hand I am screaming , “OMG KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!”

This is me about basically everything I read today. Someone have anything happy or funny cause I need it.

Fuck you you rich white entitled little pricks. This is enraging! So the american people get basically no insurance at all? What the hell would it even cover at that point? I’m so furious.

Well that’s just amusing. I guess people can’t dig deeper than six feet. :)

Yup, the main reason for this is the advil menstrual pain pills can be sold at a higher price and maybe taxes too? I don’t know, do they tax midol higher like they do tampons and pads? Ridiculous, though I do enjoy a good toke to kill my cramps cause they are the fucking worse.

hopefully giant dildos with trumps face

I thought this too lol

People who think this is a good idea are idiots. It makes no damn sense. Not all of that land is government owned, so are they going to pay people to put a wall through their land? I am sure there are creeks or ponds on some of it too, not to mention terrain that might not be suitable for wall building. It’s all just

OMG I hate this chick and everything she stands for. Can’t we just ignore her? She’s helping Trump do awful things to America.

What a creep, I’d like to say I’m surprised. But I’m not.

Ah, yeah my mom would have just been like “WTF” but I can see how she might have taken this as him not liking her. Is he still your boyfriend?

Ugh, how in the hell are those hashbrowns lol