Krogan Deathscort

bwwwaahhhhaa, the comments in this thread are the best

egg plant??

baked ghost carcass!? WIN! Like what they eat at Nearly Headless Nicks death day party



ummmm something that got scraped out of the vents above the stove at a greasy spoon type diner?


That’s a dick move, but why did she cry?

I thought the same thing, but when I posted on a different jezebel article I was fine....


Wow, douche bag city.

Another reason I lock the door, great story.

I’m glad you met someone who saw you, I know from experience that’s super important.

Thankfully my husband has never done anything super embarrassing, but here’s a fun story about an ex boyfriend.

I have a few pairs of leggings from them that I love, but whenever a dress I like goes on sale it’s never in my size. I shop torrid, lane bryant and swak designs much more often.

Swak designs if she’s plus size

I love modcloth, this blows. I don’t get to shop there a lot cause it can be pricy, but now I won’t be comfortable shopping there at all. :(

sounds like fun