Right? Like who decided that was a good idea... You know that stuff in wall paper? Let’s also eat it to be pretty.
Right? Like who decided that was a good idea... You know that stuff in wall paper? Let’s also eat it to be pretty.
1) fertilized egg/fetus = not the same thing. It takes 9 weeks to become a fetus.
Is this a for real thing? OMG if a parent gets caught using that they should be arrested for child abuse.
This is a GREAT idea! People might think it’s funny but it isn’t. Just because it’s semen and a dick doesn’t make it less awful and intrusive. Which it totally what ALL those abortion laws are. No one wants to regulate a penis but hey, the vagina? Let’s pass so many laws women no longer feel in control of their…
I agree, and while Bella is an irritating character watch Hillywood do their parody and see someone actually do a GOOD job acting as Bella. She’s a good person, but I can’t stand her in movies.
It’s totally believable, women in that time period sometimes used arsenic in drink/wafers or cosmetics to make their skin pale, shiny and blemish free. If you stopped taking it suddenly it could kill you and if you took it over too long a period of time or too big a dose it would kill you.
I think this is a fair ruling, the boy was raised with three parents, taking any one of them away would hurt the kid. Having three people who love and support him can’t be anything but good. The dad needs to chill, even without the custody thing the kid would still be raised by his bio mom and her girlfriend and then…
I think it’s cute, little girl stares down bull whose so much bigger than her.....but I do get your point, it would have been pretty cool to see a grown woman staring down to bull,
While I know people are stupid and probably do weird things to statues all the time (??? maybe...that seems to be the consensus on fb though I did once see a 16 year old boy cup the butt of a naked one on a high school field trip.) Humping the statue of a child, put there to say “hey man hire more women”...Seems not…
So a lot I read in here sounded pretty awesome, feeding people, interracial hotels and churches, love everyone, everyone is equal. A lot also sounded bat shit crazy- hence why I consider this more of a cult than anything else. Though no mass suicides so that’s a plus. On a awful or funny note depending if you even get…
What would a gay demon look like?
Dude I’m in, I would love to be a camp counselor. Like giving dad’s a firm handshake, “Don’t worry sir, we’ll take care of your son.” Dad leaves, break out the music junk food and start a dance party.
Joe Biden- I miss you.
I was in support of any woman who chose to strike on Wednesday. I also understand that it might have been a privilege to be able to strike. Not every woman had the luxury of taking the time off. Some might have been fired if they hadn’t gone into work, others who don’t get PTO may not have been able to afford it. My…
Good for her, I’ve been considering GBS but am going to try to run off the weight first the loose skin thing freaks me out though. Honestly I wouldn’t say she went from not to hot, I don’t find her attractive at all. But that maybe personality related.
I started it by having lunch and catching up with an old friend. I am ending it at work. I was going to take today off, but then my two month old got pneumonia over the weekend and I spent Sunday and Monday in the hospital with him and brought him home on oxygen. So I couldn’t afford to take Monday and Wednesday off.…
Ok this has got to be unconstitutional right? What if whatever the doctor lied about wound up being why the baby or mom died? Could you then not sue for malpractice. Though honestly, how many doctors would actually support or inact this law? At my hospital they got pissed about a fetal pain law the doctors here think…
that is a beautiful thing