Okay, three things.
Okay, three things.
I had never even HEARD of this group before.
I was thinking it was followers of the flying spaghetti monster....
Not new news, unfortunately.... women (especially in third world countries) have stuff like this happen on a regular basis. I can post at least ten articles from the last five years involving women being tortured or killed because they were “possessed” or “witches”.
When my daughter was six she grew a fondness so medium rare prime rib....
Right? Who pays that kind of money to abuse a really great cut of meat....oh...umm.....hahahahahaha. In all seriousness he should have just gotten a Salisbury steak instead.
eeeew... Steak sauce fine, ketchup gross, well done REALLY GROSS. Though, funny story...I didn’t know you could eat a steak any other way than well done until I was 12. My mom hates any pink in her steak so my dad would always cook it her way. In fact if there was pink she’d stick it in the microwave. My sisters are…
so how many of his people have withdrawn so far? Can we place bets? Is there a bingo sheet set up?
So his advice is for them to sit back and not dismantle or do anything in regards to the ACA for two years? Ummm yeah, sure...I’d agree with that, please leave the fucking healthcare alone you Cheetos dusted burrito. I just paid 2k to have my last baby, without the aca it would have been more, though I’d rather live…
true, they are all pretty dumb
this picture is awful, disturbing and should be shared more often.
seriously! Like abortions should go next to the holocaust victims museum, yeah? Uh...nope.
Just read a comment on Huffpo women about how once you are pregnant your body isn’t yours anymore but the fetus and you have to take care of all it’s wants and needs- which includes letting it live. Which is not only wrong on so many levels but genuinely a creepy concept. And I’m a mother of four.
So I take it this exhibit won’t be mannequins of dead women laying besides blood covered coat hangers or in hospitals beds dying of sepsis? Cause that’s what I think of when I hear “history of abortion.”
Then they would just stand on top of each other to get out.
Seriously things are fucked up and awful in our country right now and it’s only been a month....
Margaret Cho can say what she wants and do what she wants. If Tilda really wanted an honest opinion and cared about the answer then she wouldn’t give a shit if Cho said anything to anyone, what she would care about is the actual opinion of her friend. She asked, she got an answer, one she didn’t seem to care for. End…