Krogan Deathscort

Asking Margaret Cho to not tell anyone is a very stupid thing to do, she’s a comedian, ANYTHING you tell her is fodder. Why couldn’t they hire an actual Asian for this role? Seems like such a simple thing. Maybe they picked this actress because she looks like NO ethnicity? Just a white wall. I love her best in

Dude is that...Kevin Costner... shaking his hand? Cause OMG teenage crush much. Not ashamed to say I still love him deep in my heart where it doesn’t see much day light anymore. But yeah, I’d be making that face too if Obama walked into the room. I would love to sit down and have dinner with that man.....preferably if

He is in a place with Bowie and Prince laughing at us because we have to deal with Trump as president.

Ridiculous law, just a waste of money, paper and time.

Dude this, I would totally contribute to.

bwwwwhhha I only care about Alan Rickman. He’s a douche in this movie, but I love him

And this is our soon to be president. A man with nothing better to do than vomit on her twitter account.

What they are saying is you can’t link depression and mental trauma to an abortion, not that some women don’t feel sad or spend a lot of time considering their actions first. But it would be like saying side effects of abortions is happiness- for some women this is true but not for all. I spent a few weeks making my

I regret the 72 hour waiting period I had to deal with before hand, does that count?

I had Chili’s, cause there was one right down the street lol

I’ve had an abortion and aside from a teeny bit of sadness before and after, some serious thought put into having it and a shit ton of RELIEF afterwards all I can say about this study is

so a teeny tiny stack of twigs floating on a paper boat with a clot wrapped in toilet paper on top? Sounds fun. :)

I have miscarried at a hospital twice (they have the good drugs) at about ten weeks. It was very painful, but what came out of me fit in the palm of my fucking hand and was simply a gelatinous blob of blood and tissue. If I’d had to pay for that thing to be buried or cremated I would have been pissed. It’s already a

right, he’s like, “don’t blame that shit on me”

I’m pagan and seriously considering converting to satanism because man they seem to make more sense than a ton of other religions. I’ve been pregnant 8 times, including one abortion and three miscarriages. A fetus is nothing more than a parasite using you to extend it’s life until it is at least 25 weeks along. No way

she’s his beard, probably knows it

I love fondue, but no way am I paying that much for a fondue pot.

I wait every year for this, I fucking love it. :)

NARAL is a great one to support so your money goes to helping women’s reproductive rights all over, or support to PP but just not your local one.