Krogan Deathscort

Because it won’t affect them, their wives or daughters. The people who pass bills like this will ALWAYS be rich enough to get around them. It’s awful but I almost wish for every person who is in agreement with a 20 week abortion ban with no exceptions, either gets pregnant or has a wife or daughter who gets pregnant

Ugh this makes me sick, and ummm perhaps this helped contribute to her life long issue with addiction and mental health problems. I have never seen this movie and not will most likely not.

Fuck Trump and everyone who rode in with him or that he picked up along the way. China would be VERY bad to have hating on us especially if it’s just because the president elect is a dumb ass. Poor Kerry :(

Good, because this whole election smells.

That is what’s really scary. There are not suddenly more racist jerks, the racists jerks just feel it’s ok now to step outside and blather/shout their hate all over.

Ugh I am sick of seeing this kind of shit, it makes me frightened for my children, myself and pretty much any minority. I will never understand hating someone because of the color of their skin, race, their sexual orientation, gender or religion...or anything for that matter. Well...with the exception of

Ugh, I am a mom and that concept is super revolting

It was probably an accident. Erotic asphyxiation 

fascinating and disgusting at the same time. Fascinating because I cannot even understand a mother who would leave her kid alone with ANY man to take pictures of her naked.

I could see doing a real dolled up look for my kid, like vintage and stuff, I did that for senior pictures, but in lingerie or nude? Ummm hell no. Like glamour shots? Sure.

That movie was so disturbing. I have a 12 year old at home and I almost couldn’t watch it.

Did anyone else read the book written by the girl Roman Polanksi raped? It was an amazing piece. I’d love to see these women work together and write a book on their experiences. That being said....I love art and the human body is a beautiful piece of art which can be captured through all sorts of mediums. However, a

This makes me sick to my stomach. I have a daughter her age, these could be her words. I feel helpless, I wish I could help all the Syrians who are dying. We need to let refugees in. I feel stupid not knowing how else to help.

“Rory Gilmore is an insufferable, privileged, arrogant child. STILL.”

I fucking loved it! Though Rory, as always, is human garbage. Lorelai and Emily were the best and I really hope they make four more. THOSE LAST FOUR WORDS EEEEK. I loved the original series and this did it justice. Was there shit I didn’t like? Sure, just like in every TV show. I’ve never watched a TV show I didn’t

Seems like a great way to spend money. *sarcasm* Go live in the white house like everyone else.

I will never understand how many people are going on about what a great person this dictator was. I have a friend from Cuba who is sad he can’t be in Florida celebrating...He actually saw Castro’s horribleness in person and he and his family suffered under the reign. I can only hope the person who replaces him isn’t

I really REALLY hope they find something, but more than likely a bunch of people just wasted over 2 million dollars that could be spent on something else...

I thought Tom Cruise did great as Lestat, what blew was that Queen of the Damned BS