You made my fucking night!
You made my fucking night!
I’ll settle for him deported to Russia.
Vampire criminal cartels, he just forgot that part cos too many consonants at once
“break the back of the criminal cartels that have spread across our nation and are destroying the blood of our youth,”
Bet he’s taking the D pretty hard!!!
Unanimous decision against reinstating travel ban!!
Trump has signed three executive orders aimed at “law and order,” one of which calls for new legislation and new mandatory minimum sentences for “crimes of violence” and “related crimes” (??) against law enforcement officers, because the White House is apparently under the impression that violence against police…
yup, plausible deniability forever if you never make a clear, coherent statement.
This movement is all about breaking teacher’s unions & turning our education professionals into uncredentialled, at-will service sector employees. “Welcome to Hardee’s Academy — can I teach you long division today?”
It’s as if the work of Arne Duncan (clearly your friends don’t work in education policy or higher education, he was very active and visible in both) wasn’t about HIM and about things like increasing FAFSA completion or working with the FLOTUS on projects like Reach Higher and Better Make Room to increase college…
Can you explain your point, please?
Always remember: Bad schools make future Republicans! If don’t bother to teach kids how to think, they won’t bother to learn. This locks in your base for the next generation.
And do it quick, because they may not even exist in another week or two.
And I need an investigation to see whether she’s sent any emails telling her staff to buy Ivanka’s tacky crap. Then we can go full circle on this shit.
I notice that she - like her boss - seems to be incapable of speaking in full sentences. And usually their sentence fragments lack proper grammar and syntax. Yet the White House keeps putting her out there as a spokesperson. I guess that’s fitting for the bizarro world we’re living in, but it’s baffling all the…
It’s interesting that the person at the center of this nonsense, Ivanka, hasn’t said anything about it herself while her dad and his employees break federal laws to convince people to buy her stuff.
Maybe because people weren’t sure if you were done writing with all your ellipsis?
New York City: surrounded by New York State and New Jersey