
Right wing values: Whatever they can do to hurt non-whites, women, the poor, GLBT+ people, and anyone who isn’t Christian.

Holy shit she’s not some 16 year old, she’s an adviser to the president. We used to hold such people to a higher standard.

I think she has bigger, manlier hands than Trump

Just like good Republican women always should. Amirite?

Because she lied and said she didn’t retweet it.

She chews nails like Spicer chews gum.

She must be under a lot of pressure. Look at those fingernails.

Then there’s this weird tweet that almost seems like it is out of 50 Shades Darker:

Every time I read a troll comment like you, I’m reminded of a bit of Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash.

Its because 45 isn’t a president. He’s a dictator.

I like how he tried to equate “goose-stepping” with “progressives” and then accuses you of calling people Nazis.

Reexamine your comment for irony please.


Jesus Christ do you fuckers have to post this shit every time?

Except I said none of that. That’s all from your own head.

I’m surprised more noise hasn’t been made of the fact that the White House website STILL says that Obama is the president. Check it out:

I have to admit, it’s stunning to me how many in-name-only Americans want a goddam lying dictator as president. points out how Vigo County, IN is still gung-ho for American Hitler. The recent PPP poll has 52% of the Trump-voting simpletons say he should be able to overrule courts’ decisions. I know, take

C’mon, be honest. You didn’t have to look THAT closely.

I don’t know. I just think society thinks that just because we aren’t actually killing Jews in furnaces anymore and because Israel has a dodgy reputation that Antisemitism isn’t a thing.