
Roman dictators were lawfully appointed too. I mean, I’m not saying Trump is a dictator, but being a dictator and being illegitimate are two different things.

Dictators have been elected. Hitler, obviously, is the prime example. Stalin was elected through the normal state mechanisms and he was also a dictator. The list goes on, but I assume you get the point. Dictatorial authority is not inconsistent with normal constitutional mechanisms for elections and pathways to

All Day, Every Day,

If GOP donors realize their dollars won’t secure them cabinet positions they might stop giving.

Is it just me, or does this look like it is going to be incredibly depressing?

This pleases me to no end.

Anybody notice how Disney is going out of its way to differentiate the “Marvel Studios” logo from the “Marvel” logo associated with its licensed properties?

GOTG was actually less generic than the other Marvel movies. Partly because James Gunn is a very talented director, partly because he was given more control with his movies compared to the other Phase 2 directors, and partly because the movie does not have to connect with the rest of the MCU much.

Yeah, I want everything to be covered in black and grey and just be bleak and horrible and no fun. And if the main villain could act like Margaret Dumont for no damn reason, that would be even better.

Yes, let the troll flow through you.

Plot, who needs plot when you have characters!

In all fairness, he answered it for me with this statement:

Coincidence. Just because they both break you down to rebuild you in their image so you can be easily led and will follow order unquestioningly doesn’t mean anything. And the fact that they both use compounds that restrict access in and out of said facility means even less!

In other words you knew exactly what I meant and decided to be a cunt anyways. That’s so cool of you.

Yeah. Boo, and shame on the media for playing tape of the man you voted for, without prompting, saying racist, bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, xenophobic things. Totally the media’s fault.

Oh, right. Sorry, it’s the selective service system. A completely different and totally not related in any way whatsoever.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!


When American goes to war with China and everyone starts getting drafted then people will know know that militarism isn’t about looking cool and shooting brown people.

Don’t worry, soon all of America will know what the military is actually all about.