liberal media bias

^ THIS. We need to be vocal, persistent, and vigilant. Don't know who your elected representatives are? Find out, get their contact information, and call them. Pending legislation is going to screw over the elderly/minorities/the environment/etc.? Stay on their asses to do the right thing. Our side has to be the

We're the worst ever. (Oh, wait. That was only one show and it was on all the channels on 11/8.)

I thought the first rule was "you don't talk about Australian Rules Football"? Can't remember what the second rule was, though…

I was told there'd be no math.

You should voice those opinions online, all the time. (Seems to be the thing to do nowadays.)

"Sausage Party was way too low. Best movie of 2016, by far."
- Abe Froman (Chicago, IL)

Frank Stallone or GTFO.

I know…so why even have the EC? What really sucks is that it won't do what it is supposed to, but it's the very reason we have Trump (who lost the popular vote) as president.

I'm upvoting even though this implies that orange Cheeto actually thinks.

Goddamn it, I laughed out loud in the office at this one. Well-played, sir.

You turn this into a documentary and I'll definitely watch.

I only want to give this a half-upvote (because I love the attitude of being happy for other peeps, but the feeling as though that kind of joy will elude you makes me sad…).

This is awesome.

"One of the sillier aspects of postelection analysis is the notion that any one factor determined the result, and I want to be clear that I’m not suggesting as much."

Any idea as to what percent of the population constitutes that "poorest segment"? (Even a ballpark estimate…) Never mind, I'll read the article first.

I agree completely with you on the media's blowing the whole email thing WAY out of proportion.

^ This times a million.

*considers America's president-elect*

They will.
- Batman

Batman's a scientist.