liberal media bias

If I was making a list, it'd be on my top spot as well. An outstanding album (in a year rife with really great albums). Wonder if people are snubbing it—Not in the top-20, AV Club? Really??— because "it's Bon Iver and I don't want to be labeled as a hipster" or something like that?

Upvoted for Shearwater. That album is gorgeous.

Bon Iver's "8 (circle)" is amazing.

An appropriate response methinks, given the circumstances.

At least it's an ethos.

It's right there, as plain as the nose on his face!

In the membrane?

I know you tend to have an anti-MCU bias, but Doctor Strange has grossed $635 million so far. Not sure why they'd cackle about that?

He said "kids," not "Future Overlord Trump."

There were NUMEROUS factors at work, and that's my point. To simply say "all Trump voters voted for him because they hate people of other races" is wrong.

Hate to say it, but I agree with this point. Our "side" needs to do a better job of less "monolith" thinking when it comes to the "other side." (Ironically, since we are supposed to be the ones who see things from other groups' perspectives.)

Comedy can be used to poke fun of everyone, but when individuals from a group let you know it's hurtful, defense is not the way to go. You have to take ownership, apologize, and learn from it as you move forward. It's not very complicated…

I'm a straight male…and I completely agree. One of the things I always say that I like about this community is how welcoming and rational it tends to be, but what you are saying (sadly) rings true.

I'm fortunate in never having to endure something like that (fear of my life because of a stalker), but I can only imagine how much courage it takes to share. I am so glad that she's coming back. Given the obvious, we need strong people like her to be vocal now more than ever!

I am a straight man who doesn't know what it's like to have existential angst when I come across writing that doesn't center around me…but I'm not a moron.

That also works for the Cathy Ghostbusters no one wants.

Homer: Batman is a scientist.
Marge: It's not Batman!

Fuckin' magnets. how do they work?

Not proud of this, but I've never contacted an elected official for anything. That is absolutely changing now (in light of 11/9). Further, I'm going to do everything possible to rally like-minded individuals to do so when we need to. No more staying on the sideline - we have to be vocal!

C'mon, now. Why would we vet someone a crazy narcissist running for the highest office in the land? That's just silly.