liberal media bias

If not for the damage he's doing along the way, I'd feel a real sense of joy in the fact that a man who cares so much about what people think of him will go down as the biggest fucking (unfunny) joke in history.

I totally thought "the magazine cover of his dreams" was going to be a naked photo of Ivanka.

Eh, good point. (I was absolutely thinking of the fact that over 3 million more people voted for HRC, and not about all of those who stayed home.)

It's pretty safe to say that over half of us would have been less disgusted with President Camacho as well.

Given the amount of xenophobia that lead to the current dumpster fire in America's White House, I'm more than a little surprised "mulch refugee children into fertilizer" hasn't been proposed here in the U.S. already.

And they're real?

Sexy slapfights??

Is Mexico going to pay for this one??

Another fair point (particularly the fact "people are riled up now").

That's a fair point.

"This guy" needs to still have a job until we can take back Congress in 2018. Imagine the damage Pence—instead of the current Incompetent Fuckstain in Chief—could do with majorities in the House and Senate.

And Hillbillies prefer to be called 'Sons Of The Soil', but it ain't gonna happen

No tall sand people? I don't know, they seemed pretty tall to me.

Well, only if it lasts for more than 3 hours, no?

Doesn't matter. When you're famous, you just grab them by the penis. (Wait, am I doing this right?)

Also, 11/9.

Hey, where are the white women at?

We've done worse.

His lover's getting back into town a little early.

*dials up his divorce lawyer while emailing real estate agent about desert properties*