liberal media bias

*shoots AOL's Instant Messenger, hops back into time machine*

*sighs, upvotes*

Wait, I thought reading and learning, you know, actual facts was illegal in this anti-intellectualism society??

Yep. (In response to the 2nd, probably-rhetorical question.)

I'll take "no president" over what we're going to have!

Why can't we, the people, make it a thing that is going to happen? This is our country!

He wasn't even all that popular within his own party! Especially among the elector-types (establishment peeps…).

It can be two things!

I don't want to get all spammy (I'm going to keep posting this for optimal exposure), but WE HAVE TO FIGHT!

I don't want to get all spammy (I'm going to keep posting this for optimal exposure), but the US (and, by default the world) needs rescuing. WE HAVE TO FIGHT!

I thought it started November 9th.

So he's a Trump supporter in this one?

I've already sent this to several people, and will be sending it to even more. Thanks for sharing, Dik!!

The Trump presidency means Ass is going to top the box office and sweep all the Oscars, including Best Screenplay.

I thought American Horror Story was on Tuesday night…and that they were showing it on every single TV channel.

Completely agree with your sentiment on being angry right now, but, in all fairness, this is a pop culture website. It does make sense they would filter the biggest news of the day through a cultural reference point.

Trump's internet wall with Canada has already been implemented?

This is the saddest upvote ever.