liberal media bias

I just posted something similar, but absolutely. An establishment politician in an anti-establishment political environment was not a smart move. Hey, but at least Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got what she wanted!

Personally, I think the biggest problem was the fact she was a through-and-through "establishment" politician in an anti-establishment environment. People wanted something different—whether right or wrong—and she constituted "basically the same."

Jurassic World 2 should be about a nursing home chain where hilarious situations ensue. Also, there can be a monkey.

I thought it was in a Peter Garbriel song.

And he wishes people would stop asking him about his penis size.

I actually thought that (more widespread acceptance) might be the case (after posting my question).

Is that because of things like the Orlando tragedy, or is there a different reason?

And "feeling" his best, too!

4. ???
5. Profit

That's, like, the king of the vitamins. (In my book, at least.) (My book is called Vitamin BJ: King of the Vitamins.) (It's a children's book.)

I thought you get hepatitis from riding on tractors.

That's it, I'm never watching another one of those Minions movies. (But I'll consider Despicable Me sequels…)

I'm starting to think maybe this Trump fellow isn't such a swell guy.

And keeping comments within a 140-character count!

Finally, the Spider-Pig origin story we never knew we needed…even though we totally did.

At first read, I thought you wanted Counting Crow…

That's fine and all, but is he going to release any unreleased music?

"How about a new Filter album?"
- Members of Filter

"I have no regrets."
- Eddie Murphy

It ended like two years back, IIRC.