Court order.
Court order.
On his deathbed, he received total consciousness, though…which was nice.
He'll get nothing, and like it!
*The scientists at Mountain Dew and Doritos nod their heads vigorously with Extreme vigor*
"Good luck. We're all counting on you."
- Dr. Rumack
I hope everything is alright! (And that you have many boner-filled days ahead of you…)
Was it an erection?
Hey now…
I can just see the headlines now: "Pants-less Vigilante Beaten Up By Fifth Grade Bully".
But I could still fight crime in it, right?
Yeah, but it's tradition. Kind of like how it is really difficult to come up with anything "grand" about the shit-show that is the GOP, yet they still use that moniker.
I'll add to that by saying The Low End Theory is outstanding, and probably a good starting point for the uninitiated.
No, that's the guy on first.
"Matthew Modine is the second celebrity I would have named too."
- Matthew Modine
He's going to make the Nutcracker an offer he can't refuse. (There may or may not be a decapitated horse's head in this version…)
It's a perfectly cromulent verb.
The red, squiggly line underneath "Marthas" trumped my better sense.
It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.
Did they say anything about how many Martha's are in it? Because I'm hoping for "all the Martha's" to really add some gravitas to the film.
4. ?
5. Profit