liberal media bias

Given the off-the-charts "punchability" factor of Miles Teller's face, it's kind of surprising it has taken so long for him to be in a boxing movie. Of course, the goal is generally for people not to want bad things to happen to the protagonist, I suppose.

Wow. Finally a Great Job, Internet! worthy of its oft-inaccurate name.

Upvoted specifically for "a good amount of interesting ideas that weren't well-realized."

Wow. I thought I was the only person who hadn't seen either of those movies. Like you said, there are enough pop culture references (plus, you know, history for Titanic) to get the gist.

Needs more "Martha."
- Z. Snyder

He's a grower, not a show-er, ya hoser.

America's contribution to solving the Brexit problem was, uh, a little underwhelming.

There have been 23 seasons of Dancing with the Stars??

Including Gendry's.

But, but he gave me his business card and everything. It says:

"Winter Came and Is Now Smoking a Cigarette" gets my vote.

I suppose I can see that, but does it still hold up if he isn't really Ned's bastard (as is the case)?

Given R+L=J, which house is he legitimized under? Targaryen?

I'm down.

Note to self: Either play a lot of games with wo, or don't play any at all.


Great, now GRRM has an excuse to write even slower.

And when is this woman bringing me my beer? It's almost breakfast time!

No more "rock me, sexy Jesus."

You do realize you are talking about the same woman who "starred" in Tammy and shat in a sink or on a counter in Bridesmaids? I think that decency ship set sail a long time ago.