A soul?
A soul?
Uh, are you forgetting about The Bible? Because I think this is all covered somewhere in there. (Probably towards the back.)
There's also a monkey.
There has to be a way we can relate this to "silly movies" topic at hand. If only someone would make a silly movie about turtles (preferably of the adolescent and mutated variety).
Damn it.
This is still better than like 80% of the shows that get made.
As one does…
That's a brilliant insight, but I don't agree.
Ser Pounce or GTFO!
Frank Stallone. (Yep, you guessed it.)
Especially if the role of Bret Hart was played by Kevin Hart.
First cousins, twice removed on their fathers' side.
This I could see.
Consider that to be a "terrified by the fact this is even a possibility" upvote.
Interesting. You could kill four humans (or deer, if you were hunting) at once…if they were all lined up correctly!
But did they have "easily portable, handheld" ones?
Why do you need an AR-15, though? I guess I just don't understand why anyone would. I mean, the answer has to be something more than "because the Constitution says I can," right?
I once asked a pro-gun psycho proponent if everyone should have guns. She wasn't so keen on the idea.
I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about the tragedy right now and those innocent lives lost. Fifty human beings just out to have a good time, and then being gunned down because of who they were. It's absolutely sickening.
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse. I thought it was good overall, but might be having "superhero fatigue" at this point. So I'm interested in seeing what they do with the anti-heroes of Suicide Squad (even with PG-13 rating).