Do you take checks, or only cash?
Do you take checks, or only cash?
Maybe my neighbor needs to stop wearing yoga pants then.
It was a key plot point! The whole movie could not have been taken seriously without the between-the-thighs pin.
"…a 'relative' masterpiece of complex Jeidi eroticism."
- Tim Goodman, San Francisco Chronicle
He should have said "Jill Stein," then.
It's cool, but it'd be better if the Sharks had frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.
"No, man. This is Thor!"
Ser Pounce.
Old reruns of Hangin' with Mr. Cooper?
If it ain't broke…
Trump demands to see Olenna's birth certificate
Would have been pretty bad, though, if he got nervous and said "a giant, a witch, and a wardrobe."
"Totally agreed on the 'blasting Cersei's ass…felt so fucking good' bit, bro."
- Jamie L.
I'm not so sure about "Great Job, Internet!" for this. I think they should have gone with "You Really Need Therapy, Internet!"
Downvoted for missed opportunity to say "This shit is fucking bananas!"*
*tries to makes it a class action suit so he can cash in on the sweet, sweet ArgieBargie money, realizes he has no actual grasp on how lawsuits work, heads to Wikipedia…*
It seems as though Tandy could either verify or refute this, but I was always under the impression the "true" fans hoped not to see a crash.
Probably too suave as well.
Man, we should make this The Man with the Golden Parachute Pants as a biographical movie of MC Hammer, starring Daniel Craig in blackface and…uh…I'm just going to leave now.
Now starring in The Man Who Couldn't Give Any Less Fucks…