liberal media bias

"You know how when you grab a woman's breast… it feels like… a bag of sand."

Yes, our clients are AV Club commentators. Why do you ask?

We appreciate the effort.

This was absolutely fantastic: "In what’s sure to be the sexiest Vegas residency yet—sorry, Penn and Teller"

*advance tickets sell out for infinity years*

*Magic Mike Live becomes biggest grossing thing of all time*

And don't underestimate the right wing's hatred of Clinton. I could see them coming out in droves to stop her.

So, uh, how exactly do you watch movies?? (Because I am clearly doing it wrong…)

Not only are the trains now running on time, they’re running on metric time.

I was told there would be no math.

I was told there would be no exercise.

*cues the ancient knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade*

Eh, I'm not going to judge…I continue to watch Gotham.

Now my childhood is ruined.

No, no. I like it the way it is! (I was serious in thinking how great an illustration that is for when/when not to use "cannot.")

^ This is probably my most used Simpsons reference IRL.

The classic example to illustrate the importance of grammar tends to be "Let's eat, Grandma," but I think "You can not like the trailer" shows the importance of making a distinction between "can not" and "cannot."

Captain America: 2 Civil 2 War: Kingsmoot Boogaloo

Mine says "Get back to work."

Well, maybe he shouldn't have been such a dick.