Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the Sesame Street/2 Live Crew mashup??
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the Sesame Street/2 Live Crew mashup??
"Racism's still alive, they just be concealin' it."
- Kanye
Les Cousins Dangereux: It was a love between two cousins that the world thought was wrong, but it was the world that was wrong…
You should have shared.
The guy from AC/DC??
The best damn pet shop Navy ship in town!
The Coast Guard has an old '76 Pinto, but it needs some work.
Wait a second…you are Uncle Trever's niece?! He was a good man, that one.
All cats are Avenged Sevenfold fans??
Best thing I've watched all day. (And I took the hour and a half to watch Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? our Mexican overlords embedded somewhere else on this site today…)
I appreciate the fact that they embedded the whole movie for us. Now I know what my next hour and a half of work looks like!*
As one does…
Well, they say "you're either part of the solution or part of the problem." I, for one, think you fall on the right side of history.
I'll be in my bunk.
I call the big one "Bitey."
On, the six movies "people who liked this also liked…" for Hamlet 2 are apparently all Hamlet. Somehow, I don't think that's quite as accurate as they want to believe.
Baseball is still a close second, though.
But not tacos. Pretty easy to get those around these parts.
Isn't that answer "never leave the house"?