This could be the premise for the worst Final Destination movie ever (and that would really be saying something).
This could be the premise for the worst Final Destination movie ever (and that would really be saying something).
God, I hope so.
On the eve of my 100th birthday I'm going to streak the Quad.
Gabriel Byrne was doing research for his role in Vikings?
So many likes, not enough time to scroll…has anyone suggested Savage Like yet?
It will consist entirely of "Everything About You" and their cover of "Cat's Cradle" played back-to-back 7 times.
And, further, then be judged because of it.
*sends back his Swedish penis pump for refund*
This is one of my favorite comments ever.
Our penises.
Anyone who says those kinds of things to you is just showing his or her true colors and their thoughts should be dismissed. It kind of goes back to the whole "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" meme.
On the positive side, there are also a bunch of (enlightened) dudes who are being supportive and agreeing that the "plus-size" label is bullshit. I am in that camp of guys who definitely don't think women are overreacting over this and, personally, I applaud Amy Schumer for her tactful, positive way of dealing with…
I know words, I have the best words.
Nah, I think he was vaccinated for it in advance.
"These, uh, these, these pretzels, are, um, making me kind of thirsty or, ah, uh, parched."
Where is Vanilla Ice's WWE Hall of Fame induction. #WWEHallOfFameSoBlack
It does work in celebrations of all kinds of scenarios - bar mitzvahs, funerals, DUI convictions, waking up, drinking a gin and juice, etc.
It CAN be two things!!